if i was eating any cookies this morning...
Carol · Nov 19, 2010
for sure i would hurl them..but i ain't eating anything right now because i truly am going to puke.
it might have been that freaking vegan milkshake i tried to make last light...soyabean chocolate silk and soyabean not so good ice cream..oh my freaking gawd..one swallow was beyond disgusting and the whole revolting mess went right down the kitchen sink.
yuck! apparently i still haven't recovered for the trauma of that!
this is the trouble with trying new things...some of them can bring you down low.
seriously tho, it probably isn't the fake milk shake..it is probably maggie's fault! i saw her in the grocery store yesterday and i convinced her to try some of the kettle potato chips and later she sent me an email saying they made her violently ill and wanting to know if my bag did the same. hah! i haven't opened my bag yet so i am suspiciously now thinking that during our brief conversation maggie gave me whatever puking disease she has!
or...in all fairness...maybe it was the overdose on soyabeans. anyway...heads up to wanna be vegan folks...not so good fake ice cream is totally disgusting.
we had our first snowfall last night (thank goodness my snow tires are on!!!) there is still about an inch covering the grass areas but the cement paths, gravel driveways and roads are clear. that is good because i have to drop off at the vets this morning...black bart, zelda and ruthie for first or second checks. today is bart's re-test day so he can finally move to his permanent area..he is going to like to have more room to move around and more company too..he is a really nice little guy.
we will see what the vet thinks about ruthie..she has had several days now of NSAIDS and pain meds and hopefully whatever has burned away most of sweet zelda is fixable with some good medical care and food.
i do need to get my queasy ass outside in the snow today to heat tape the water lines, set up the chicken house heat lamps, put in the water trough heaters and strategically set out the snow shovels and buckets of de-icers....oh!...plus i need to bring a bunch of bedding straw for the cow and the goat barns.
winter is officially here...please let all the rumours be wrong, we don't want the worst winter in 50 years, that would totally suck!!!
It's true! It is a huge paradigm shift! I have been working on it since June. I used to love cooking and trying new recipes, but I have had trouble finding good recipes that are Vegan (though added many new cookbooks to my shelves). So Delicious 'any flavour' ice cream is wonderful, and Eden soymilks are great (any Eden product is a superior choice of brands). I do have a lot of trouble with Soy, but find that Tempeh and Sprouted Tofus are easier to handle. I love quinoa salads, prepared and in the frig, to have as quick snacks or meals. Good Luck, Carol. I feel for you, having so little time to dedicate to the learning curve necessary to make the switch.
Oh and BTW - have you tried Country Choice Organic Sandwich Cremes? (cookies to 'share'!)