Rescue Journal

full of beans

Carol  ·  Dec 24, 2010

jelly beans.

there is the subtle...and there is the obvious.

the obvious is when i go to put on a jacket and the sleeve is gone or there is a giant hole in the center.

the subtle is when i am wandering around with my nice and new work jacket and i happen to look down and see the corner of the collar is chewed off...and so is the corner of the cuff...oh, both the cuffs.

jelly! leave my god damn jackets alone!!!

tina-fey went off to her permanent foster home so she will have a great christmas day. and molly seems to have survived quite well her very first full saints day.

when i got home tonight i had to strip my bed and a bunch of stuff out of the dog rooms so i better get started on that pile of laundry or i will be at it most of the night cuz i don't want to leave any for the xmas day warriors..that would just really suck!

i wish to all of you the very best christmas of all!
and very special thanks to all of the christmas weekend warriors who are giving up part of their xmas eve, xmas and boxing!



yes merry christmas to everyone hope their christmas is happy. i will see the crippled crew in the morning. i have 6 boxes of pizza for my angels up there. was going to try to make it there today to help renee. sorry but my car keys went missing, my other car bumed out was not a good day. sorry renee hope you have a great christmas. see you all tomorrow. looking forward to meeting the newest saint. hope she likes pizza lol.


Merry Christmas Carol, the gaggle of angels that volunteer there and of course all of the Saints. I hope Santa is good to you all this Christmas and that 2011 is a year full of new homes and love for you all. Love, Rae