Rescue Journal

i think the pepsi challenge is done...

Carol  ·  Dec 30, 2010

i thought there was still one day of voting left but apparently not. i have no idea what happened at the very end and where we were standing but i guess we will eventually find out good or bad.

thank you everyone who voted faithfully for is now out of all of our hands.



I just checked, the site is up and ready for 1 more day of voting! I read on the Pepsi Canada Facebook page that there had been a glitch in the system :(


Voting is still open today! We'll need everyone's vote as usual to stay in first.


I should have mentioned Cat's Cradle is entered in the $10K and Carol has graciously told me it was OK to post on her blog to ask for support, thanks Carol!


I also voted last night and SAINTS was #1, Turtle Gardens #2 in 25K and VOKRA was #1 in $10K. YEAH! Once the link is up for CATS CRADLE ANIMAL RESCUE/Victoria, BC...I hope all you loyal voters will continue your support starting January 4/11 for this very worthy group as well, thank you. Happy New Year!


i did not also realize turtle gardens was second. good for them.they can ure use it too. yes lets keep everything crossed we deserve it. wkhat a great new years gift that would be.

Pat Beaucamp

SAINTS must be the winner - you have been #1 all these weeks! Yay! Well done! Great way to start 2011! Happy New Year to all SAINTS - two- footed and four-footed!
Pat B


I thought it was over on the 31st. I was shocked when I clicked on tonight and there was a message saying the voting was over.


How strange! When I voted earlier I thought it said there was another day. Lets hope this is a very happy New Year (with an extra $25,000 in the bank)!


I voted just before midnight cst & you were still in first. Fingers & paws crossed!


I was on earlier this evening and we were still in first.
I was surprised to see it over, I thought we had one more day of voting also.