sheila asked me to write a quick post about cats and diabetes cuz some of it is news to some of the vets. this all came out about a year and a half ago and not all vets have kept up to the most current diabetic research. and the reason for this
Carol · Jan 5, 2011
but because of one cat that we never did achieve good diabetic control (he had cushings disease and the resulting diabetes could not be controlled) i learned a new way to revert newly diagnosed diabetic cats back into non diabetic doesn't work for all cats but it does work for a significant number....and it takes months to achieve so you can't get impatient and cheat.
cats who are newly diabetic and diagnosed relatively quickly have a chance to revert back to normal... if a simple protocol is followed...and this is why scrappy is no longer diabetic. one of our vets educated me on this new process when we were trying to deal with apollo's diabetic disease. it had just come out in the vet world and at the time was not widely known.
the protocol is simple...newly diagnosed with diabetes cats are placed on Lantus insulin immediately. they cannot be started on a different insulin first and then switched...they can only ever have received lantus insulin...not caninsulin, or humulin insulin...each and every dose has to be lantus insulin only.
so when scrappy was diagnosed...he went onto is WAY more expensive and a bit trickier to use because it is a longer acting insulin..instead of clearing in 12 clears the system in closer to 18 hours so there is a greater risk of the cat becoming hypoglycemic if the dosing is every 12 hours....and trying to dose every 18 hours would be an almost impossible nightmare.
when sheila and leila adopted him..i told them he had to stay on the lantus and why. i said their vets could not switch him onto any other kind. and they wanted to..they had never heard that lantus cats could revert to negative and they were uncomfortable with the longer acting insulin risks too. but everyone left his insulin alone and eventually it worked...scrappy stopped being a diabetic and is now off of all insulins.
since they started looking after scrappy..their vets have now heard from other sources the research surrounding diabetic remission and lantus use...the vets are still uncomfortable with the longer acting part of lantus but now they can see the benefit too.
but the trick to the remission is that the cats cannot ever use not even a single dose of any other kind of insulin....AND it may take months or years to achieve a full remission. so you have to be willing to take on the extra hypoglycemic risk and the very much higher cost of the lantus insulin...but for scrappy at least, it was very well worth it.
ok cat diabetic remission education is done!
I agree that Caninsulin is crap. Neither of my diabetic cats belonged to me when they were diagnosed and had already been on Caninsulin. My clients cat was on Caninsulin and reverted but it was after being on it for about 5 years. probably just luck! Lantus does seem to have a higher success rate in terms of response to the insulin and lowering BG for sure. Years ago it seemed that vets always went to start cats on Caninsulin, maybe Lantus was not used for cats ten years ago or maybe it was called something else???