Rescue Journal

yesterday..i am a day behind!

Carol  ·  Jan 5, 2011

honey and pixie go into the vets today...honey for her glucose curve..pixie because she is not well. she started vomiting yesterday morning a couple of times and has not eaten since..pix is so tiny and frail that this is really frightening for me. i am working today but renee will drop them off first thing this morning...keep your fingers crossed for both...that honeys bloodsugars are good enough so she can go home and that pixie feels well again asap.

pixie has had a potential home since the end of november but they had several long trips booked and her adoption has been delayed til mid january. and now i am afraid that we just used up the rest of her life waiting for the "perfect" time for her...that will so truly suck if it is so and i will never do that again...what the hell was i thinking??? i just so badly wanted her to have a good home but it in retrospect..for me anyway it would have been better for her to die homeless then to die waiting for the "right" time to move into her home.

please pix, get well really is a great home!

we might have a saints foster home for molly..just waiting to see. she had her vaccines and microchip yesterday so at least she is ready if it becomes a reality.

i saw fluke yesterday..his foster dad came up for a quick visit..he looks really good!

the vet assistent students were here yesterday and we had 2 international youth volunteers having their first day here too..they will be with us t/w/th right thru til march...saints welcomes avery and ola to the saints volunteer club.

tasha had a potential home drop by...she met her a few months ago on one of our tours and has been thinking of her ever since. sadly in talking to her, i discovered the family had an unneutered cat. it is a very nice family and they did spay the female when they understood how many homeless cats there are in the world..but for some reason it did not occur to them that while males can't actually give birth they certainly can still produce more cats to add to homelessness in the world. it is funny how the human mind sometimes works.

well i better move my butt and poke the is a work day today and i better get moving.



The vet said Scrappy isn't allowed to have any extra treats. And Nicole he has only lost 1 1/2 pounds. He is now a sleek and slim 19.1 lbs. I believe he went into remission because 1. Carol or someone else at SAINTS caught his condition fast in the summer and 2. He was on the insulin that starts with an L and I have already forgotten the name that one of the vet's at Hill n Dale suggested.


It is looking like scrappy is in remission and no longer needs insulin.
This will be his 5 th day straight without insulin and he is doing well so far.

francesca Wilson

Carol, apologies for late notice but Marie is quite sick today so we will not be coming to SAINTS. We will come next week instead.
Thank you