Rescue Journal

it was not an easy day....

Carol  ·  Jan. 11, 2011

a sick call first thing this morning, luckily i had some help from the international students today...yay!...then hilda and tucker were ready for pick up early too and i hadn't cleared out tuckers new room...don't want him bumping those sutured eyes on anything!
so ryan and i quickly emptied the pen..yay more stuff got dumped in the shop for me to clean and sort out!
i zipped down to grab them..hilda had an extensive hernia repair on top of everything so she came home with strict instructions to keep her confined. i dumped her in the play pen and then went to settle tucker in....ouch. his eyes are bruised, his face is shaved and without eyes but with two big suture lines instead...the poor thing looks like a right horror today. in a couple of months when the sutures are out and his hair grows in, he will just look like he never had any eyes to begin with. but there is something so horrible about removing both eyes, even on blind and in a lot of pain dogs..that hits you right in the guts when you see them fresh post operatively.

i barely started on the cleaning when ryan called me about happy gilmore so i rushed him down to the vets and didn't check on hilda til i got back...she was not in the play pen...she climbed out...oh yay hilda that was good for your suture lines you freaking stupid little spoiled rotten dog!

the chicks are doing ok..ryan helped with their meds today.

while i was cleaning the big dog room, i noticed that jesse was not well so i rushed him down to the vets late this afternoon...he was having trouble breathing which miraculously got better as soon as we got to the vets...grhhh, bad dog! so i brought him back home. they said if he does it again to bring him back in....big giant snowfall warning for tonight so jesse better hope he doesn't have any further problems breathing!

ah well...tucker is going to be a drag for awhile cuz he is going to only be able to go out on leash...just what i walking to do every late afternoon and evening on top of my other evening chores...i can't wait til he heals so i can just let him outside in that little yard late in the day to have a pee! ryan said he really does like his walks tho so i guess that is a good thing.

i made the mistake of answering the phone today...2 senior cats looking for a way was a friend calling cuz the folks who have the cats are moving...i said no, too full...they asked me to reconsider..i reconsidered for half a second and nothing around here had changed... we still are too full so no, sorry again.

i kept all of the dogs in til after nine am..they didn't like it but i was at the vets so i didn't care. they got even by making a really gross mess...which was really unfair cuz i had let them out individually and quietly at 6 am so there was really no need to get even but they did anyway cuz they are bad!

laura is coming to help with the chicks meds and then all i have left is laundry, walking tucker and bedtime diabetics and meds.

not bad for not a great day...i am just still upset at 2 sad losses in 2 crappy days.
