Rescue Journal

racing the sun

Carol  ·  Jan 23, 2011

i had to boot it to get home tonight to put the barn guys to bed before the sun fully set. i got bogged down in paperwork at the end of the day...and i really hate paper work!

anyway..i made it just in got fully dark as soon as i was finishing up. i was highly organized in my routine and the barn guys actually cooperated for a only took 30 minutes cuz i was booting it out there too.

the vet is back out tomorrow to check czar and gideon and also to look at gilbert's feet.
i forgot to tell you that last week when he saw gideon he was REALLY pleased cuz gideon has a nice and rounded belly now...yay gideon, he is such a great little horse!

jenn missed some in and out animals in the number accounting post...this week it actually is...6 out, .....2 cats...happy gilmore RIP,olivia..adoption,
and 3 dogs have gone (or are going) to permanent foster care...jingles, wilma, mini me (after her surgery this week),.... and one adoption...molly3... (plus one probable adoption with hootie...but i won't count her yet cuz it is not yet 100%.)

the incoming or already here are...two cats...diabetic oliver...and big ben, an FIV still to arrive, probably this week sometime... and three dogs..shane, noelle, and little mystic, the puppy (arrives on tuesday)

so we are actually down one (possibly 2) dogs (if hooties adoption goes thru)... and the cat numbers stayed the same....except frodo is now going out on friday too (he is going back to my family home...he lived there as a foster cat for several years in between adoptions and getting kicked out of his new homes!)..brian misses a sleeping buddy since daisy fae passed away and both he and jenn already know and love frodo and frodo will like living with them with only one other cat (saints smartie-pants)) really by the end of a 7 day period we will be down one and one in cats and dogs...YAY.....yay is so much better than booo!

AND...we were already down one cat anyway cuz chester went out 2 weeks ago there...we are kind of, sort of, doing good!

oh..but we did take missy into permanent foster does she count since she is not here?
i choose to think not cuz she is in foster care and not under our feet!

correction....maggie just emailed and said big ben is not coming in now...yay we are officially down three cats with no one else coming in (the cat and dog incoming doors are shut for awhile and i have not put any other animals onto our waiting list...that i can remember and i pretty much do remember animals waiting to get in...) that made my HAPPY day (i really am trying to get our numbers down...but sometimes it just seems totally impossible..ha ha... but not today!!!)

both noelle and shane spent the day out at the barn...i went out to check on how they were doing on my lunch break. noelle was trying to entice al into a big doggy game (al was having nothing to do with it!) and shane was zooming around like a total freak...that dog was just completely and totally joyful.

i switched lucky's dry food back to a normal royal canin lamb and more weird shaped food....i mixed it with the same canned food she has been eating for months...she ate maybe 1/3 of her dinner. lucky's insatiable appetite is for sure sliding downward.
who can even imagine the mp room without the world's most cheerful and unluckiest girl???

oliver was purring and head butting me tonight. someone is settling and this big boy totally appreciates the specialty foods i am giving!

thanks to all of the volunteers this weekend for taking such great care of the crippled crew...everyone is pleasantly tired, comfortably settled and contentedly satisfied from a full but very loving and care-filled weekend. they will charge up again and be ready and raring to go for next saturday and sunday's warrior weekends.



lol, thanks for painting that picture for me, I can totally see it. What a great way for an old unwanted dog to spend his golden years.. he was most likely chained, so he must really think he's in heaven right now...thanks so much!


Cam , I have a feeling your wish will soon be a reality ( hint hint Jenn ) Shane is absolutley one of the funniest dogs I have come across in a long time.. there is real personality shining there..with a wicked sense of humour. He fit in beautifully with the barn buddies & totally ignored Jessy when he tried to be a jerk. Both Shane & Noelle joined us for treats in the Memorial Garden at the end of the day and I swear if Shane could that dog he would say something like " Oh Baby bring it on "


there is nothing in the world more beautiful then a really old homeless dog with the zoomies...he is a GREAT dog cam!


hmmm well I was only counting the weekend... but you count however makes you happiest mommy dearest.

PS did you forget to bring that movie to my house?