at the low minded pettiness that a few people will invent to take a whack out at me. the newest one is because we actually dare to moniter our food donations and discard outdated, possibly contaminated and absolute poor quality foods.
apparently..i am supposed to load it all up and deliver food that i do not think is healthy or safe to feed to our guys, to the food bank or unload it on other rescues. because i am not doing this, i am actually letting dogs starve.
gee...are i not a mean, ungrateful and cold hearted hag?
and i really like hearing that apparently one of our current volunteers passed this info on? which imaginary volunteer would this be?..because not one of them have anything to do with sorting and monitering food...that is just the staff and me. i hate the let's cause distrust and dissension among the ranks is just purely small minded and mean.
anyway.....anyone with a hungry animal is welcome to come here and i will give them safe, healthy and good quality food. as to the is just more divide and conquer bullshit....good luck with it.
honestly..i just shake my head i would be caught dead going out of my way to publically nit pick about stupid crap shit on another human being. shame.
ok, venting to move on (which is a good and healthy thing to do....)
monty and eddie are both home from the vets...yay!
noelle goes in tomorrow to have her eye checked.
mystic is a magic eraser noon that baby was a total mess and now she is pretty clean again so i am happy about that.
i spent the day running errands and organizing the halters and lead ropes and grooming supplies. everyone has their own hook out in the barn for all of their personal stuff with their names labelled on it. and i re-did the feed book and added their meds and supplements to the feeding schedules. so mo and laura have a look next time you feed cuz things are different with some of the things. (the new feed book is turquoise blue by the way)
the water to the shop finally unfroze..which is good cuz that was a drag for ryan, he had to haul his water from the house....and i was dreading it still being frozen by the weekend when i might be hauling water too!
weeellll...i've got my own personal laundry to do....
Nicole is right on--why would any of us give up our time and energy if we didn't believe in SAINTS. Carol Hine is one of the most compassionate caring people I have ever met.