Rescue Journal

planning out saints week.

Carol  ·  Feb 7, 2011

the vets were here today and did a light trim on pops' feet again..they will be coming weekly now and shaving a bit at a time until he is down to normal hoof size. they said maybe in a couple of weeks he can come out for a bit of a walk around on his own each day. he is sore again tonight...and i think he will continue to be sore after each trimming. the last time was a major one and he was sore for 5 days so i hoping now with the minor ones it will only be a couple of days. but...this may not be true because...they are cutting as close as they can...and it may be this is the tender part of the trimming now too. anyway...we will see how he does, he is still on the pain meds morning and night 5 days a week with a rest for his GI tract on days 6 and 7 and then the cycle of trimming and pain meds begin again.

i checked on the baby chicks when i got home...they looked ok...cuddled together and bedded down and no one was bugging them and they didn't look stressed so i THINK it is going ok for them now....but i will keep checking periodically over the next few days til i am sure.

lots of vet runs this week...which sucks cuz it is a busy week at work for me.

wed i will drop off griffin and oliver on my way into work for blood sugar curves and pick them up again on my way home after work.

friday i am doing an afternoon shift so tina fey (suture removal) molly (new breaking down tumour on her front leg that needs checking) have an early morning appointment together when i drop off noelle for her eye tumour removal. i will bring them back home with me when they are done and get noelle on my dinner break at the end of the day.
and esther is going in on saturday because she has been vomitting on and off over the past few days. we also have to get a stool spec on lucky and take that in AND i am still trying to figure out the right thing for maude.

nicole is doing a big grooming run to sam on wed...hootie, sidney, yoshi, reggie, mini-me, and i forget which was the 6th one but i have a call into nicole to find out cuz i wrote them here so i can make sure i remember to have all the right ones fitted with collars the night before!
my memory is sucking again.

time for the bedtime routine...oh what wonderous surprizes might it actually bring!

oh...and jenn posted the newest pictures on the saints facebook page....there are some truly stunning ones...of mystic...shane, aka mr.happy face...a great one of joy and emily sharing some love and a beautiful portrait of a whole bunch more great ones. click on the facebook button on the blog and have a look...saints very special animal eye candy!
i will post one here as a teaser...oh shit, but which one???

hello? is anybody in there???


or...the newest saints sport...faceball.



Hi Sharon,
I am a Turtle Gardens supporter but they aren't even in the top 10. So...I switched my vote to help SAINTS. To answer your question, this animal lover is still voting!!!


I vote everyday in the Shelter Challenge but SAINTS has dropped to 5th place. Is everyone still voting?


prince is the 6th one. if you don't have time to do collars, don't worry i can do them before we leave.


Carol, I can't work tomorrow, a personal matter has come up.I will contact ryan to see if his brother can work.


Congratulations to Jenn ... absolutely FABULOUS set of portraits! My favorite is Alf's.
Thank you!