Sherlock had his neuter and his xrays today...the pelvis is not fractured but it is twisted. They can't straighten it because the vertabra they would need to screw into is the one that is fractured. So the bad news is...he might end up with a bit of an off gait..but the good news the area that is a problem is a non movable joint so he shouldn't develop any arthritis in his pelvis from this injury either. the vet said another 4 weeks of rest and then re-xray again..his vertabrae has not healed very much in the past 4 weeks so he needs the added time to help it heal.
the real issue is...sherlock is becoming an intermittent parapalegic by choice. this means he will trot around fine out in the yard but absolutely refuses to move in and out to anywhere, unless he is carried.
"i am sorry but i get carried in and out."
sigh...this is the trouble with youngsters..they draw their own conclusions from past experience about how things are supposed to be done.
tonight i am worrying about the book. i have a tendency to slip into shimmery suckiness. it is a fine line between thoughful feelings and outright gagging sugar overload. i need an editor...but here is the catch...i need an editor here. the program is set up so it will only run on my computer..i can't save it and send it off elsewhere.
oh who do i know who comes out to saints???
oh! i know!!!...shelley? you are not some airy fairy flowery suck and you have the media experience and will say exactly what you think too...are you planning a visit to saints anytime soon?
i sprained my middle finger today...mystic slipped out the door and was bombing around the yard with sherlock (who sure as heck wasn't parapalegic right then!). i grabbed her to stop her before sherl;ock hurt himself.... but i hurt my finger in he rescue process...thank god it is not one of my two typing fingers!
i de-junked the kitchen and the laundry room today..yay for holidays!
tomorrow angus goes in for his bloodwork and will stay overnight for his neuter on wednesday and i am de-junking my bedroom..
on wednesday shaw cable is coming out to do another story on saints.
so thursday is get my income tax together, and i have not decided about friday yet but then that is it...back to work and i am done my one week holiday.
OMG..i started using capital letters in the beginning of this post...shit this book is going to ruin me and break all my small case letter posting habits!
I do apologize if my comment was offensive. I guess someone once called me an "airy, fairy, suck" out on the schoolyard playground back when I was in grade 6, and it struck a chord with me..and then maybe I just had too much wine with my vegan dinner. Sorry!
If the above commented was directed in judgement of you, Carol, the question about Tucker was not. I have not doubt that Tucker and all the animals at Saints are in the best of hands. Anyway, thank you for answering it.
As only a one day volunteer on weekends at Saints, I am, of course, not familiar with all the ins and outs of what happens there and trust your reasoning. Still, as someone who has a tendencies toward obsessive worry, Tucker has been my latest focus and I needed to ask.