ok..lets talk about the reality of the horse industry..not the airy fairy, i love my horse shit.
Carol · Mar 28, 2011
several years ago, i saw a news clip on tv...three young girls and their pony club horses were featured. all of them gushing about how much they loved their horses, how they were best friends and about all of the fun things they got to do together. one of the girls at the very end said...but my horse is for sale if anyone wants him...i am getting a bigger and faster horse in the spring.
breeding, buying, selling, trading, upgrading horses is a national past time in our society. horses weigh a thousand pounds..they are a very expensive hobby to keep. each horse is only able to be and do what it can..eventually a newer, bigger, better model is wanted. and the older model's costs of keeping become a roadblock in our search for our must have the perfect horse that can do everything for us again.
plus unfortunately...horses are not machines...they do age just like we do and with this comes decreased abilities and increased care needs. most folks do not have a clue what it costs to keep an old horse...but lets add it up...one old horse here for this month cost:
1/2 bale of hay a day @ $15/bale x 30 days = $225
five bags of senior horse feed $16.95 each= about $92
one months worth of shavings/alfalfa pellets and bran for one horse= about $150
supplements/meds and vet and ferrier costs/visits for this month for one old horse= $500
it is about $1000 per month, give or take, to care for an old horse pretty well.
this does not include electricity to the barn for water and light, nor does it include time and labour to care for them either. you are looking at a minimum ionvestment of 2 hours per day..one hour in the morning, one hour in the evening of time that the horse deserves at least.
so how many people have an extra $1000 and 60 hours per month for an old or useless horse?
now you could shove them out in a pasture and ignore them with little or no time/cost like what happened to gideon and pops but eventually even that is going to cause problems for them and for you.
plus...here is the kicker...it costs about $500 dollars to humanely knock them off too...a couple hundred for the vet, another few hundred to get the bodies carted away. or you can sell them at auction with a fantasy dream that someone will buy them (for $500 as per their body weight) and give them the home of their dreams...and we just killed two birds with one stone...the horse is taken care of and we have some cash from it too!
in reality..the only one bidding on most of the horses is..mr. meat man brokering for the slaughter houses, he is buying that horse for about 50 cents per pound. he is going to load up that nice and loyal horse who was so beloved by so many homes over the years and truck him or her several hundred or thousand miles in a truck full of other scared horses and deliver them to the never ending line up of other walking dead terrified horses to be prodded up a bloody and slippery shute to a dead bolt right to the head and a body hook to carry the carcass down the dead horse assembly line.
and while all of this is happening..many idiots somewhere are watching the miracle birth of another innocent foal who will eventually end up on the very same hook cuz that is how each year thousands upon thousands once beloved horses finally go.
oh yay.
Have you seen this letter before? It's written by a guy that is in charge of gassing animals at a shelter- when will people learn to spay and neuter?http://imgur.com/gallery/lQybZ