Animal Updates

lahanie was euthanized.

Carol  ·  Apr. 9, 2011

he was still staggering with his back end this morning, mo said he almost went down into one of the fences. i called the vets and asked..what was the best we could expect from him if he didn't bleed from the bute dose. steve said at best..none to minimal improvement with a continued deterioration over worst increasing deterioration quickly. this was not good enough for him, too much risk of his falling and breaking a leg or someone else.
rather than have his death in a pain filled and panicked crises, we let him go today.


lahanie had a good life here...the most important thing to him was always having a full belly. he liked the freedom to do as he pleased and he liked that he was accepted for who he was.


for lahanie it was a very peaceful and quiet death, for us it was a highly emotional loss. saints was full with volunteers and visitors as he passed and in each corner his loss was felt. percy as always was deeply affected but all of the barn guys are upset.

i just went to check on them all and percy, joy, emily and ziggy are all laying together in the center of the riding ring. gideon and czar are standing right there with them...they have all come together close to share in their support of each other. today their herd lost lahanie and they all feel this shared loss.


rest in peace lahanie, you have a whole family missing you here.




Carol, your strength continues to amaze me. I am so sorry for the loss of Lahanie. May that sweet horse rest in peace knowing how much he was loved.


Carol I am so sorry to read this. I was so hoping he could overcome this obstacle again. Rest in peace Lahanie...


So very sorry for the loss of Lahanie. His story was one of the dearest to me. He really did find himself again at SAINTS.

Ann C

Such a sad day for SAINTS......sweet dreams Lahanie, hugs to you Carol.


you know, if people say that animals do not have feelings or mourn,they do not know animals very well. i was at saints today when lahanie was euthanized and i could see from a distance that the other animals were in a state of distress. it was very upsetting to those of us there,erin and i just gave carol a big hug and tried no we did not try to hold back the tears i really felt for the other animals who were there. percy has been through a lot of deaths and he really does care about the other animals. rest in peace lahanie. run free and run happy.

Carol Ann

He was a magnificent animal! I felt privledged to know him and it was good that i got to say goodbye with some carrots and love. He will be missed by all. Peaceful journey big guy.