No dog goes hungry when Lynne is around ...not even the fat ones who need to lose a few pounds! She brings them sandwhiches and boxes stacked with fresh pizza. Lynne knows the way to their hearts is straight thru their mouths! She makes sure that the dogs who can't get out into the fields, get a nice and gentle walk each day she is here. And she has her own one on one memorial garden crew so no one misses out on the fun stuff around here.Lynne is here almost every weekend unless grandmother duties get in her way and when she leaves here at the end of her shift, it is always with a car full of saints dirty laundry! Lynne is one of our senior volunteers, she knows the ins and outs of how we function around here. all you ever have to say is we need help with this or that and lynne is the first one the list to help take care of it. If you ever need a chuckle, head over to the house and listen to Lynne and the others happily bicker back and forth. They work together as a really great team while cheerfully yanking on their team members chains. There is such good natured teasing of humans going on everywhere that the animals feel good. They know their caregivers are happy and like coming here!
Lynne and Bambi 2, Christmas 2010
I have been volunteering at saints since Jan 2007 and it has been amazing. I first read about saints in the Post in the Fraser Valley Times, and ironically the post was about copper and his antics. I cut the article out and after days of putting it aside decided to phone saints. They were having a cleanup day so headed up there. they were also all celebrating moses and his life and he was being spoiled rotten. He passed away soon after . I decided to help out and started soon after.I am retired, have 8 grandchildren, 3 dogs of my own, all rescues and walk 2 others who do not get out for walks. i do not know what i did before saints came along, it is such a n incredibly lovely experience and i really like all the other volunteers it is like an extended family. i would not have missed this ride for the world.the best thing I love about saints is knowing that all the animals have a warm and loving home, good food warm beds and lots of company and love. way more than lots of animals get in their so called good homes. I picked the house because that is where i am the most comfortable. The hardest part for me about saints is like Nicole said, there are so many more out there who will never get a decent chance in life. But it is especially hard for me when someone passes who I have been especially fond of, like copper , perdy, lucas, champ to name a few, there are so many.Lynne and her beloved Perdy (RIP)
Lynne's most memorable day at SAINTS was the day Jeanette went down.I remember the day Jeanette our old and lovely cow, went down in the field and could not get up. Spectra Energy was out doing the memorial garden at the time and so thankfully we had a crew of people and saints volunteers to help. We all rallied together, got her onto a blanket and carried her up into the upper pasture, where Percy was waiting for her. I have never seen so many people rally together for our cow and have so many good and positive feelings it was absolutely incredible.
Lynne has been here longer than most of the animals and she knows what it means to be a key player in our animals care and happiness...and she knows that plenty of really good food always helps! Lynne for feeding and making the saints feel good we thank you.
Lynne on Christmas giving pizza to the doggies

In case you missed them check out the preceding Volunteer Features:
Volunteer Feature 3: Maureen (Mo)
Volunteer Feature 6: Nicole M.
Volunteer Feature 7: Kathy O (KO)
For information about volunteering please see
yay lynne!!!!!! our marshmellow mama! she has the SOFTEST heart and it is pretty freaking huge too! lynne loves our animals thru and is an incredible gift to the saints crippled crew.
(plus once in a while she cooks for her fellow volunteers too...mmmm.good!)