obviously dixie arrived safe and sound yesterday (thank you so much cheryl and steph!!!) it is a big change for her but considering that she has most likely never seen a llama, a cow, a sheep or a pig before..or been loose in a strange grass field with a bunch of other unknown horses, donkeys, goats, dogs and people everywhere...i think she did just fine.
when any animal arrives at saints from another world..it opens their eyes up (in shock) pretty wide. anyway...she dealt with it all really well...she didn't freak out...and while she is cautious...she isn't all that afraid. she has flipped the horse finger a few times in warning (ie her back hoof) but other than that she has been really good. she wasn't very happy when the trailer pulled away...i am pretty sure i heard her yelling after cheryl and steph..."hey! where is my ride going? i am only visiting here today!"
it made me a little bit sad..like she felt like a kid just abandoned at summer camp...mo and i told her she would feel ok about it all in just a few days. i do think that until we got our helpful and feel good hands on her..dixie's life was predictable. it might have been predictable too in the barren-ness/hopelessness of it all...not much food, standing in small paddocks of mud (she has mud scald around all four of her feet)..the eventual very last ever ride on the meat truck..not a lot of personal choices on where she could move or what she wanted to do...but still safe in the predictability and familiarity of it all.
oh well my dear...life is certainly not boring around here and it most certainly will never end in a slaughter house for you!
bad news on prudence's vet check..the vet is not too worried about the return of her mammary tumors. these will be a problem for her further down the road. what is a serious problem for her at this moment is the tumor extending from her top jaw, right across the roof of her mouth. he sent her home with antibiotics and orders for metacasm and tramadol but prudence has reached her last bump in her long life road...she has very little quality time left.
geez...molly, maybe larry, prudence, mandy, little mister and maude...the soon to be losses are snowballing. i don;t even know where to keep my panicked eyes peeled any more.