i picked up our newest saint at the vets on my way home from work.
her name is theya (the "H" is silent)...she is a fat poodle cross missing a bunch of hair and some pretty sore looking skin...we have already had bloodwork drawn to check for both cushings and thyroid disease.
she has already this evening blended well with all of the dogs here so she can go out for the field runs and she can hang out at the barn as long as everyone keeps a good eye on her.
her personality is a mix of a sweet (and younger) mandy and a happy little sunshine dog like daffy duck dog.
Theya was a riot in the barn area. What a happy happy little dog. She's a bundle of energy with a big smily face. She was super friendly and really enjoyed making sure she got her fair share of the yummy cookies and flat breads. She was fun to have around.