these tiny little frail old lady dogs are driving me insane.
Carol · May 16, 2011
i started trying to feed cherry when i got home just before 3pm.... between then and now i have tried AD, recovery, little ceasars, beneful, merricks cat fishy food, baby cat canned kitten food, baby human food..warmed up, schmushed up, not schmushed up, not warmed up...yikes! she just checks out each offerring and stands over it, looking at me..apparently it is not quite good enough for the miniscule her majesty.
finally in desperation, i made her half a piece of toast and butter and she is wolfing that down just fine...pixie got the other half but she actually ate some dinner first.
sigh... tomorrow i will whip down to the grocery store and pick up some eggs..maybe for breakfast in the morning she would like warm buttered toast and cheese scrambled eggs.
oh...and sage is out exploring the cat and rabbit rooms tonight. funny, she was the shyest of the two but maestro is staying put in his pen.
and dear marvin actually ate his dinner without me having to sit with him.
phoebe is in an absolutely ugly mood so she is spending the evening locked in the zen den til she cheers up. she is probably pissed cuz i didn't make her any toast tonight.
who doesn't love a nice waffle? yum!