don't bother reading this..i am just blowing my top.
Carol · Jun. 10, 2011
i am in a bad mood today...
i am pissed cuz i am back to square one with my bad knee and minus the meds that were working cuz my blood pressure shot up from them. chronic pain is is geared to put a damper on any remotely happy.
and i am pissed cuz i am having to hoop jump again and pointless hoop jumping just makes me mad. i will jump for the animals here and i will jump for my human patients too but they are asking for the jumps cuz they either really do need them or innocently, they just think they really do. i rushed out at the end of my shift today, to see a client at the very end of the day simply because they were worried about something and all they needed was for someone to say everything was really ok. when you are sick or injured, peace of mind can be a really big deal.
but i have no patience for stupid busy body shit that has no purpose except to make someone jump because you can. today we got a sheet at work from mid management, whose distance from real live patients is 1000 endless and boring meetings and a million bright and time consuming paper pushing ideas... that now tells us how much time we can allow for each nursing task..simple dressings are given XX number of minutes, complex ones are given xxx number of minutes..are you freaking kidding me? you want me to carry a stop watch and TIME my direct patient care??? apparently it is perfectly fine to load us down with hours and hours of not timed paperwork, but god forbid changing a dressing isn't allotted a specific amount of time.
and i hate bean counting..i honestly do not give a shit what medical care costs. i don't care if someone is aboriginal or has an aquired brain injury and has another cost center is not my area..all i care about is they get the care that they need to find wellbeing and health again if they can..let someone else who is not a nurse or a doctor spend their day counting beans...we were trained to do other things that the bean counters can't do.
and the same thing happens here at saints sometimes too when absolute bullshit just overwhelms you. there are so many ways that the animals get lost in the human hoopalot world..and the hoops are just round skinny tubes leading to endless black holes that go nowhere, do nothing except waste more precious time.
we skimp on the important things that actually take a body, a brain, two hands and a heart and we squish it all down on to sheets of paper to say what we mean, but we can't actually do, cuz we can't find our way out of the freaking gynormous useless paper igloo!
ok carol...take a deep breath...i am home, the doors are all closed against the outer world bullshit, that life is locked out for the night.
and now for the real stuff...
i picked up daisy on my way home from work..interesting xrays today. she not only has a blown C3 disc..but we also accidently found a huge bladder stone on her xrays. when she goes in for her mammary tumor removal and for her badly needed dental surgery..i guess we will take out the bladder stone at the same time...she will get three big benefits from one day of surgery. anyway..she could walk again when she got is intermittent spinal compression that messes her up once in awhile.
that hag sweetie pie jumped daphne earlier again today...AND she dared to try to jump bambi1 when i got home and was letting them one touches my favorite fat walrus dog! she was not too happy to find herself lifted upside down by her tail as i pulled her off of bambi and told her to knock it off right now!
sweetie says..."holy shit batman..she has me upside down by the tail!!!! is that even allowed????"
yes it is doesn't hurt, it gets your attention, and it stops the fight cuz ain't no dog fighting happening while you are high up in the air.
while i think of you know why JRT's tails historically are docked the length they are?..because they were a perfect handgrip length for grabbing dogs by the tails and moving them up and down off the backs of the horses during the hunts and for pulling them back out of badger holes.
sweetie pie just learned that interesting fact today..even tho her tail was never docked and she has probably never been up on a horse or down a badger hole...her tail does apparently have similar uses now.
sigh..ok..i am done with all of angst for now..the whole sweetie pie hag thing has cheered me up greatly..i so like shocking the crap out of bitchy and bully little dogs... the shocked horror-filled look on her face was pretty funny...i just wish jerry had a tail so i could do it to him when he needed it once in a while too...sadly someone cropped his tail far too wouldn't be safe to lift him..i might drop him on his head by mistake.
and phoebe has no useful grabbing tail at all..just this stupid and useless nub that looks like a nose.
and by the way if you don't know this..the only safe way to grab a dog in a fight and pull them off is by the tail...DO NOT EVER TRY TO GRAP THEM BY THE COLLAR...YOU WILL GET BITTEN.
grab the tail near the base, hold tight and move back while pulling them is not mean, you won't hurt them and you won't get hurt as easily either...and if they are little like sweetie, you can just lift them high up into the air!
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