canuck fans riot over the loss of a game.
there are a few too many beer guzzling, not much happening in the brain dept., people with nothing much to do or to lose, winding themselves up into a violent frenzy over the loss of a stupid game.
i say we gather these violent, no brainers up and send them off to some war zone where they can play with for real violent toys..guns and bombs, and landmines and when they come home minus a few arms, legs, and a soul forever scarred with shitless fear and horror...they might actually be able to suffer a hockey game loss with just a minor and dignified, peaceful disappointment.
there ARE some laws against stupid...and inciting riots is not a recreational activity...not even for the incredibly stupid.
Yeah. What Shelley said. The whole game thing was hyped up and up and with downtown streets blocked off and big screen TV's put up outside the city is providing a place for rioters to gather their shit together and explode. Not a shock really but disgusting, disgraceful and disappointing.