Rescue Journal


Nicole  ·  Jun 18, 2011

SAINTS AGM - Saturday June 18, 2011
Starts at noon in the MP building. Everyone is welcome. Please bring snacks if you are the snacky type person. Maybe if you are lucky Jenn will take photos of you stuffing your face!!



Sorry I did not see this before coming this morning. Thank you to everyone who brought treats and drinks :)


Oh and my plans had changed this morning.That is why I am going to the meeting.


I'll be there.However I am going to need a ride home.I live here in Mission.I'll ask around when I get there.


also, another reminder. shelter challenge ends tomorrow. we are in second. please vote.


sorry guys but i am not going to make it to saints today. i feel like crap so am going back to bed. hopefuly will be there tomorrow.