Animal Updates

Take Me Home Tuesday: Let the good times roll with Hilda

Jenn  ·  Jun 21, 2011

Hilda is a resident of SAINTS, a senior and special needs animal rescue in Mission, BC Canada. She is around 12 years old and came from a high kill shelter in LA. She has a hernia and an eye infection. The hernia repair attempted on her did not hold and she needs eye cream daily, but she is very good about it. She gets along well with other dogs and people but she thinks chasing cats is fun. She is a quiet and dignified dog that takes her time decided who she likes, but once she likes you she loves you and loved to get pets and cuddles. She likes to sleep on the pillow and is looking for a quiet adult home where she can sit on the couch, sleep on the bed and she won't mind sharing her new family's dinner too. Hilda is a lot of fun and would bring a lot of good times to any home.

To adopt Hilda please email


Here is her own video, watch, enjoy and share.

?version=3&hl=en_US" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">

Previous Take Me Home Tuesday features that are still patiently waiting for their forever homes ...

Return of the Mac (cat)

So excited Tina (dog)

Sweet Disposition Sebastian (cat)

Bambi 1 the tongue slinger (dog)

Wynter’s Wonderland (cat)

Tasha: Himalayan Love me do (cat)

can't adopt? thats ok but how about becoming a saints sponsor by joining the 1000 saints movement and with your support we can keep helping animals that have no where else to go.



Micheal Buble's "I just haven't met you yet" Leila did a video for Screech (when he was up for adoption) with that song.


thanks erin keep them coming. Next week its a cat's turn to be a take me home tuesday feature ... haven't picked who yet but I was thinking maybe garfield, harry (but I think his real name is henry) or back bart but it really depends whom I can get good footage of.


jelly belly...(they call me) mellow yellow
noelle....teenage dirtbag by wheatus. give the song a listen, dont go by the title.(her name is noelle/i had a dream about her/she rings my bell...i sing it to her every weekend!)


great video the song.
which reminds me...jenn said finding good songs for these videos is quite time consuming....

so if folks have any song suggestions for the take me home tuesday clips...please, please list them here. jenn will be happy to have a bunch of new funky songs to pick from.