red star dixie's journey from track discard to home 3/30/11-7/23/11..only 4 like she has been here forever... (or...a picture speaks a thousand words.)
Carol · Jul 28, 2011
dixie's first days...when she was quiet and sweet...(and small).... (or...the calm before the storm...)
a couple of months later...( or...dixie getting the hang of self actualization and the freedom to do her very own thing...the wild thing!)
dixie last weekend (or...sigh...the re-birth of a new saints bossy queen...she is so beautiful..AND full of herself!)
(i was right mo...she has gotten bigger...with her head finally up, and being so puffed up and full of confidence in herself... she stands way taller than i do now...she makes me feel small!)
thank god she didn't ended up going to slaughter...what a waste of a beautiful and vibrant life that would have been.
Hi, I’d love to get more info on Dixie’s history.
I’m not positive but my childhood horse was a thoroughbred named Dixie foaled in April 2001 in Kamloops BC. She was later rehomed to a local trainer when I became pregnant at 18. I heated many years later that she was sent to and saved from the auction and went to a sanctuary on Vancouver island.
I’m wondering if this is her?
Thank you,