barn bed time last night was a bit of a fiasco...they had broken the clasp connecting the two gates and everyone was in the upper field...including pops and the cows. then it was round up time..getting horses/donkey to go where i wanted them along with the goats and the sheep. the cows i left alone...they were quietly grazing on the other side of the field which was a convenient placement for me. it took a long time to move everyone around without the cows figuring out that something interesting (like dinner) was going on.
note to myself...pick up a heavy duty, non breakable gate clasp.
anyway, with patience and stealth i managed to avoid any dumbell dinner stampedes but it took a long time because pete kept sneaking into the wrong areas each time i tried to quietly move somebody else.
so tess has a problem. she keeps getting herself up on the couch and then she can't get off again. this is because the couch goes down at the back of the seat and when she gets her butt in there, she hasn't the extra strength that she needs to push herself up again to get off. that slight backwards decline, totally messes the fat lady up.
so after the 3rd time last night i had to help her off...i said to her..."tess, don't go up on the couch if you can't get off!"
tess just looked at me cheerfully and said..."the point is not that i can't get off on my is that i can get up on my own...and that makes me happy cuz i like it up here"...(except when she has to go pee.)
tess is one of those "the cup is half full" kind of dogs and she is happy that the couch is half full with her.
which would be fine...but i am now half empty of sleep.
Oh, also forgot to say that we will include a few packages of treats too.