Rescue Journal

quick updates.

Carol  ·  Aug 16, 2011

i went out to animal control on my lunch break to see the old husky cross. she is not coming to saints.... BUT.... because the pain meds are working and she can walk better now she is no longer up for euth. and they will try to find her a home so that is really good news.

i picked the new sweet little girl up from the vets today...the clinic staff have named her "florence" or "floie" for short. she had an xray and bloodwork in prep for her mammary tumour removal and her spay. she has meds for her eyes and her ears and special shampoo and diet for her bad skin and depending on the bloodwork results she may yet need antibiotics too.

i haven't spoken with the other vet clinic yet about monty and marvins recheck. i know monty's did not go well because they had to sedate him to look in his mouth, it was just so painful for him.

mystic has a giant beige teddy bear that she is carrying around proudly and showing to everyone. gosh she is freaking adorable...she wins cutie pie of the week!
we had to do some webpage security clean ups and we lost a few if you notice that something is missing...not to worry, we know.
