November is adopt-a-senior-pet month on
Carol · Nov. 7, 2011
This month is adopt-a-senior-pet-month on Petfinders has posted lots of great information, videos, and articles about why seniors make great pets read more ...
Perhaps you would like adopt a senior saint, check out all of our adoptable senior animals ...
Help support senior animals by voting online for S.A.I.N.T.S. in the Petfinders Shelter Callenger. With just a click of your mouse, you can help us with $1000 click here to vote ...
Seniors Make Great Pets!
Exhibit A. Papa John
Papa John knows how to have a good time. He still has a lot of life left in him. He likes to run around in the muck and to play. Here he is rolling around on the bed and rubbing his face. His play is cute and fun and does not involve destroying anything ...
He also likes to sleep soundly and often ...
Homely is cute and garden gnomes are totally in :P
Senior animals have value. They live everyday to the fullest and they love with all their hearts.
Share this if you love senior animals.
I love all my dogs each in their own way but Eli warms me right to my heart. He is so wrecked and ancient --he looks like he has been to war but when I pick him up and cuddle him now he licks me on the nose. In the beginning he almost bit my finger off but I just carried on and now he knows I love him and he loves me back in his own little wrecked way. Seniors rock.