i am going to be blunt.... so take the ouch if it applies and don't do it again.
Carol · Jan 7, 2012
what comes to saints is for the use of saints...for everyone...no exceptions, staff and volunteers. if it is not for communal and equal use then it shouldn't be left here. folks are more than welcome to be odd like tammy and purchase their own favorite feeding marvin food bowl and bring it with them when they come here each day and take said favorite bowl home again so it doesnt get lost or broken.
imagine my disappointment and irritation when i discovered that the staff were working with 2 rickety and loose and broken manure forks..and half a dozen prefectly good and easier to use ones were hidden and stashed in crosby's vacant house.. if it belongs personally to someone else..then it shouldn' be left here cuz i get royally pissed off when people leave their personal shit here. how the hell am i supposed to know and be responible for what is freely given for saints and what has is only for use on certain days?
we don't hide shit here for our own personal use. it belongs to saints or it doesn't and if it doesn't, don't leave it here.
we recognise that the work being done for these animals is being done 7 days a week and that work is hard for everyone and everyone deserves to be able to work with decent equipment.
so just a reminder,,,if saints needs new manure forks so there are enough good ones to go around..then tell me and i will buy some. but if there are enough for everyone to use..then please let other people use them too.
if folks want their own personal equipment, then once purchased..don't leave it here. if it has been given to saints, it belongs to saints with no strings attached...and if it belongs personally to someone for their use only, then take it home at the end of each day cuz we don't have the room to store personal belongings.
Tammy you are a soft touch! ;)