Rescue Journal

every breath you take...

Carol  ·  Jan 10, 2012

every move you make....i'll be watching you.

oh can't you see? you belong to me.......

that's buddy's song....and odie's, papa john's, bear's, tess's, esther's...and a bunch of other's song.

but buddy says it is his song first.

sweet dog.

not sure what the vet will say about cali today...keep going for a bit more? she looks like crap but so far is feeling ok...or..let her go before it gets bad.
i am not sure which way it will go, i booked her euth. in case, but she may well come home.
if she was a human cancer patient..i would say her quality of life level is still 60-75%...she is still purring and interactive, enjoys company, likes eating, can easily get to where she wants to be...(for her that is bed, bowl and litter box) she is not doing too bad.
but..what is looming closely for her is ugly..the question close is ugly?

hopefully the vet will know.

so today is the day that i finally say good bye to the ripped to shit red leather couches...they have served their purpose and been well used by hundreds of dogs and cats around here over the years. still..those couches represented to me the dream of homeless animals having the chance to live in a bit of funky luxury...instead of traditional shelter cages, kennels and sterile plastic lawn chair communal rooms.
we will provide them with other comfy couches (we have couple of spares around here to replace them)...but those once brand new and pristine red leather couches when we opened was the ideal symbol of what could be... of kinder and gentler possibilities in caring for unwanted senior and special needs unadoptable animals in a shelter enviroment.

all good things must come to an end...those couches gave back to many of these animals some much appreciated comfort and dignity...and for mystic and june and the perpetually claw sharpening cats...some much needed fun as well....but please guys..leave the spare ones coming in alone from fun seeking for awhile...cuz i really HATE living with ripped up shit around me!


Harpurr's om

When I lost my beautiful 1 year old golden pup (euthanized due to acute IMHA) last may I joined a chat room for pet bereavement. They have a resource for deciding when enough is enough. It is a quality of life scale - hope it helps.

Carol Ann

Does any one have a basement suite for rent in Mission within walking distance of the train or maybe you know someone who has one. It is for Dionne and she would like to take 2 of my old cats with her. She and the cats are quiet lol. Thanks you can email me at