maggie sent me an email that had come thru the 1000 saints site. it was a very long, very well written, very sad story with absolutely no human fault attached in having to unload family pets. and while i was reading it, it occurred to me that nicole had sent me an equally well crafted and very similar and equally heart wrenching email last week.
so i start thinking...are these emails even real? over my years in rescue..i have gotten countless need to get rid of the pet emails and none of the stories are so perfectly and flawlessly crafted...too good so to speak to be true. and now i am wondering are these real life sad stories or is someone playing with rescue?
in the end it doesn't matter cuz we are not taking in beloved family pets, we are too full. i made nicole turn away a young palliative dog just like mystic referred by a vet clinic because we have no room so we won't be taking in beloved fluffy who just needs a thyroid pill.
and whether those emails were real or reminds me of another side of rescue that folks may be familiar with or not. and that is the part with tricksters..the ones who either mess with your head and waste your time and energy for some kind of kick..or the loonie ones who really think they are the spymasters protecting the rescue world and play games of set up and entrappment cuz they have nothing better to do. they do it in pretending to dump or pretending to adopt..i once wasted a ton of time/energy...and hope for finding the perfect home for moses. this 'perfect" adopter was just getting her kicks fom stringing me along. she started again a few months after moses was dead cuz she thought he was still around to play games with which really pissed me off.
it would be great if everything in rescue was honest, honorable and real but sadly it isn't and unfortunately this means that sometimes when things do not feel quite right or feel too absolutely perfectly classic stepford right.....i this well crafted story even real?
not that it really matters if it is truth or lie...when we are this full...the answer is still no.
Oops! Sorry Penny. Got sidetracked. E-mail photo to . Thanks.