Rescue Journal

Worst Dog in the World!

Carol  ·  Mar. 9, 2012

remember the old dog at CAC that i talked about a few days ago..the one i didn't want but they found a foster home for if we would take him on and cover his medical costs? we agreed.

so today the foster family picked him up from the shelter as it seemed a match.... til the dog bit the foster dad before they even reached home and back to the shelter he went. apparently it was a pretty hard bite, the dog wasn't goofing around.... still... it was only a finger bite not a rip off your hand or your arm.
so i talked to trina...a 15 yr old dog who is stressed and sketchy with bad hips and a (very) recent and unprovoked bite history. not a good combo for adoption for sure.

it seemed a shame to nuke him just because he is a bit of an old, stressed out, jerk and now i feel like i am responsible for him cuz the second i said we could cover his foster, this not so good dog became a saint.
so i said i would come and get him and i am so (not) glad that i did.

remember marley? the world's worst dog? buddy 2...i will tell you what i have seen in the past hour and let you decide who is worse..marley or you know who.

thank god tammy was with me or i would have been screwed. off we went to chilliwack to save this stupid old dog from getting nuked. i had seen him a couple of weeks ago and i remember thinking at the time..this dog looks like he might be jesse's brother..not sure why he reminds me of him but he does (maybe because he is a jerk???)...whatever.

anyway..we get him in the car and start the drive back to mission and buddy2 starts barking and keeps barking back and forth at both at windows. we fed him a donut..the only one that we had... and he shut up to eat it. and when he was done he started chewing up the straps on my seat covers.
quick tammy find him something to eat..she finds two small cookies. every time he does something bad, she breaks off a small peice to distract him....

he found many bad things to do in my back seat...chewing my seat cover, barking non stop, digging holes in my seats, eating my seat belts, he even started to go over the back seat and start ripping around in my nursing shit......are you kidding me? this dog is a freak.
two cookies only go so far when you are driving from chilliwack to mission. the cookies ran out in abbotsford and we would have been screwed except for the pizza i had just picked up for my dinner tonight. thank god tammy made one peice last from abbotsford til my driveway.
the bugger is in the house, we made it thru very brief intros to the kitchen and computer guys without anyone getting killed..but odie better watch it cuz he is fascinated by this grumpy dog and won't gve him some space. sigh...bad buddy is now stretched out pretending to sleep on the couch..but he is awake.
i know this because as soon as anyone walks by, up goes the lips and out comes the snarling face.

manny hates him (but then manny hates all new dogs)..phoebe is very nervous and wants to sit on my lap just in case something happens...odie can't figure out what is up with this dog and if he should listen to his "F off' or maybe give some tough dog attitude back. right now he playing with his ball but i think purposely tossing it in the new dog's direction to see what will happen.

it is pretty tense in here right now so i am stuck in this room....welcome to saints buddy2 (i am going to find a new name for you!)..and maybe tomorrow we will be happy to have you????? i doubt it...jesse is so going to hate you...omg! so will ed!!!!

oh and has he tried to bite me? he almost did when odie was bugging him and i got between them... but (good for him) he changed his mind. i think it suddenly occurred to him...either...that here in this crazy place..i am the only friend that he has....or he remembered that i am the lucky chick that actually owns the rest of the pizza...whatever he put on the breaks and left me intact which was nice.

not sure why..but i do kind of like him, he is an interesting old guy.



In the interest of your continued safety I just have to ask if you ever use k-9 seatbelts. I can only assume you do the speed limit on the freeway? Finger eating dogs at 100 km, must get a little scary at times.


Hi Ashley. I'll be up at Saints so I can take them. But you're welcome to come by my place if you want to check out what we've got set up so far.


Helga, are you still collecting garage sale items if I bring some stuff on Sunday? I can drop it off at Saints, or your place, whatever is easiest.


hmm. you want to rename him.

how about William? William the Conquerer was also William the Bastard (though more for reasons of his birth.... but even then, he was a nasty piece of work). William Wallace was Braveheart, too. Billy or Bill, Wicked Willy (my grandad's nickname).


Could you give me a call....if you still have your dialing fingers!


you should come back here and take him home..i will even let you take the pizza with you!


He's a nice dog with a cute face. Even with my fingers smelling and tasting like pizza he took his food very nicely and licked my fingers clean without any attempt at biting them off.
I like him.