daphne is in real trouble.
dave just called and while he was able to clear the bladder and urethra of the stones...her entire badder is badly damaged. apparently there were so many stones packed so tightly in there..the pressure has basically killed off the interior tissue of her bladder..she has no viable tissue left to heal the incision.
and how did this all happen without me having a clue?..it is because of her spinal nerve damage that she never felt what was happening inside of her...her bladder is numb..that is why she leaks constantly. she was bombing around here eating up a storm and bossing everyone around as usual right up until wednsday evening when i noticed she just wasn't feeling well. i thought she had a simple bladder infection..not that there was a time bomb ticking away in her.
the next 72 hours are critical, if her incision comes apart, and doesn't heal, we will lose her. i am so sick inside..i should have gotten her bladder periodically checked, not just accepted that as a spinal damaged dog, urinary and bowel incontinence was totally expected and normal.
i have fucked up so badly on her.
please god don't let her die..i love her.
Video of Daphne's playdate with her sister, Jenn
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Daphne is one loved girl, not only does she have her mom, Carol and her sister, Jenn and Phoebe but she is a favorite among the volunteers as well.
Daphne....gain strength from all the positive energy flowing to you...we all love our tiny but tough girl