Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Mar. 16, 2012

daph survived the 2nd surgery but it was unsuccessful..they can't get the stone out of the urethra..too big and wedged in too tightly so she is still obstructed. what they ended up doing was making a stab wound thru her abdomen and into the bladder and inserting a cathetor thru the bladder at least now she can drain urine.
the plan is to let her heal for 10-14 days and then go back in surgically again to try to the stone...they sent off a sample in the hopes that it is one of those stones that can be partially dissolved with diet before they try to go in again.
she probably will not be able to come home inbetween now and the next surgery.
and this is all supposing that she makes it thru the next couple of weeks.

we are in hope floating holding pattern, waiting.

and while i really do not give a crap about anything but daphne right now..other things have been going on at saints.
odin has gone out on a trial to his new home..i will give a more thorough update on that when i have a chance.

odie is a total dickhead and bit rumple today over food. rumple had to go in for some sutures, and maggie picked him up from the vet to take him home..he is now her new foster dog AND will never have to see odie again.

bruiser bit janette the other day..i didn't know til i noticed her small single tooth wound on her hand was infected tonight so i cleaned it up when i got home and gave her strict orders to take care of it over the weekend...and bruiser is a little dickhead right now too.

it is not just dogs who are dickheads...according to the staff today..the concrete crew was a bunch of total assholes..they were being rough with the animals, pushing them around and making jokes about eating ellie and in general being obnoxious jerks. the staff were pretty upset...i won't have them back here again for any more work..unfortunately the world is full of disrespectful stupids...we just try to keep them outsde of our gates.

oh and new incoming, her name is jazzy...jenn called me and said a rescue group from alberta had posted on the facebook page asking for help for a 3 yr old daxi cross with nerve damage and is incontinent of both bladder and bowel who they would soon have to put down. i started bawling right away and said it as sign that daphne was going to die cuz someone just like her was trying to get in when we had no space.. (jenn said no it is not a sign and probably thinks i have lost my mind....) just in case i said to say yes to that dog cuz i was not about to get bad karma turning another dog with daphne's same problems away. the second that dog gets here she is having a full urinalysis and a bladder xray. anyway the rescue will arrange transport and i will keep you posted when i know more.

i think that is most of the news and now i need some gravol and tylenol, i have a massive headache and i feel like puking from crying so much on and off today.

the only tiny inkling of funny i have felt these past couple of days was when jenn solomnly offerred to donate some of phoebe's body parts to help save daphne....poor phoebe.



Wow, sorry to hear about Daphne's misfortune. Lucky she has you guys all to get her thru this. Best wishes to her, she seems like a real sweetie

Colleen b

Carol! Glad about the new dog. We got an email about it too and I recommended sending them your way!

Loves to daph...


I am so sorry to hear about Daphne. Doxies have a special place in my heart. Sending her all my healing vibes and everything crossed all goes well.


i just talked to maggie...he is doing ok but she said 'i guess you didn't see him?" and my heart dropped cuz no i hadn't, i just told the staff when they called me to get him into the vet if they thought he needed stitches.

apparently he looks like a wounded soldier..large sutured gash across the top of his head and another large sutured gash on his leg...poor rumble.

i swear to god; one day odie....
this is not a good time for you to be bad.
i will go and see rumple tomorrow at maggie's so i can be consumed with even more freaking guilt.

note to everyone..please either put odie up in the laundry area alone or outside in the yard when handing out ANY food.


awsome maggie and rumple. i know you are both going to love each other. hang in there daphne we are sending you lots and lots of love. oden be a good boy as if he could be anything else


maggie, rumples been waiting for you for weeks! hows he doing at your place?


Dear Carol...I have never met you or Daphnne, but I feel your pain and will do some positive thinking for your Daphnne.


I'm sorry Carol, sounds like a rough week. Very sad to hear about little Daphnne. If you need anything let me know I got some time off next week.