Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Mar 23, 2012

percy is still not eating..i will try him with some of his extra favorite stuff tomorrow. he is a bit head shy and backing away from me,,i think he thinks i betrayed him..which from his point of view..i did.
i did give him a good brushing this afternoon and he seemed to really enjoy that and he doesn't seem unduly distressed..just quiet and carefully cautious.

new bud got into the upper field and was chasing the sheep like a fiend...note to everyone: watch him around the gates and don't let him near the farm animals.
brad finally had a good walk about today...he has been missing out because of the shed construction..he was really happy to be out again. the finishing and fencing of the chicken area begins on monday so it will be good to get that project completed.

i wonder if this weekend someone strong can help me move the stall mats over to the shed with the tractor???
looking forward to daph being home but she will be totally pissed to be caged.

hope to see many of you at the pub night on saturday..i can't stay long tho because of daphne and percy.



I won't make the pub night tonight and I am sick with a cold which I am sure nobody else wants to catch. Have fun all.


what on earth else could you have done? i don't think i need to go into the other possibility.