Rescue Journal

i love that photo of griffin....

Carol  ·  Apr. 12, 2012

i really do hate any kind of conflict and hate making other people's lives difficult..but there does reach a point when we all make choices to act or not to act, to respond or not to respond, to accept or not to confront or to just let walk away...and i am sorry, i just couldn't responsibly let $3300 donated/fundraised dollars simply walk away without protesting the loss...that money was given to help our animals..

so there you go...another hassle, another freaking headache that should have nothing to do with rescuing animals...but sadly it does.

so last night i spent time doing the things that i like rubbing jelly's belly (she was very upset by her trip to the city adventure yesterday...jelly does not have an adventuring bone in her body.) i stood and watched pinky snuggling and sleeping tucked into manny's side. i don't know why it gives me such pleasure to see a 5 pound crippled daxi, cuddled so closely with a 100 pound also crippled guy. i took a few moments to hold fergus close and rub my hands along his getting too thin sides...i know his life is getting closer to the end. i took some time to apologise to oliver for upping his insulin pokes back up to twice a day and i watched him carefully til i went to bed to make sure he didn't go hypoglycemic again. the bed buddies and i peacefully and quietly got to watch american idol...tina was too tired for screaming at fergus after her city adventure today. and i was warmly wedged in place by three lovely messed up daxi's, joey, jerry, and all of the other bed buddy crew.

this is what i do well...making homeless, unwanted and messed up animals feel like someone really cares. i don't do the other stuff well..the hassles, the headaches, the boggles the brains shit...i can't even wrap my head around how that stuff even happens. i don't understand how caring for animals has to turn into conflict at all.

i have a job to do here and i honestly try to do it the very best that i can...don't the people who we are currently in conflict with have a job to do too? is that not why we trusted and paid them?

jenn... i love that photo of griffin the best...undeneath all of his drama, all of his angst...there shines his innocent goodness..kind of like rescue i guess.

sigh...and i better get ready for days off (?) are over again.


Heidi Wagner

Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for the suggestions!! Awesome ones.I'm not sure if Trev would stay in a cart/wagon unless I anchor him in...It would be worth trying though; if it didn't work then I'd only be out a small amount of money. I bought Trev a wheelchair which worked out well on their property (K9 karts...awesome people btw) but didn't work out too well with the wall in the hallway of my bldg or with curbs. He got better too so would jump out of it. Right now, I think he needs rest and may need a quad chair to support his arthritic front leg.

The neoprene is a great suggestion...the booties I did buy got really wet and gross with the rain. I will have to look on line for some.

I wish I lived in Victoria (not just for the dog sitting either!!) so beautiful there. Thanks for being willing to do that for someone. It is really hard to find people that would be able to cope with a big and incontinent dog!!


elaine erickson

Please give Fergus a big snuggle and lots of hugs for me too I soooo love that little man.I thank you so much for the love and better life you have given him scince he has been with you guys he always looks soooo happy in your pictures.Tell him he will be in my heart forever

Bunny Horne

Heidi, can you email me at - I do have a pair of super sturdy dog boots that I received from the buyer at Costco. They are for a larger dog so might just be exactly what you are looking for. email me


Hi Heidi - although I don't have any of the above supplies, I have seen creative ideas for a couple of the items. Specifically - I've seen people towing a dog crate mounted on a small flat trailer behind a bike. If you extended this idea to using something like a red wagon (for toddlers) or even a 4 wheel garden cart, you could rig something up with or without a crate mounted on it to move Trevor around. For booties, I wonder if neoprene (used for surfing and diving clothes) would be more they make these or could you have them made? If you or someone you know is handy with a sewing machine, you might be able to make something yourselves.

these are just ideas. Sorry I can't provide more specific help.
Good luck. If you lived in Victoria, I'd offer to take Trevor once in a while.

Heidi Wagner

Hey Everyone,

I am needing some help with Trevor (You might remember him from 5 years ago or more recently last year for rest/respite). Trevor recovered from his disc problem a year ago but has recently had a reoccurance. He is pretty much not able to walk without assistance and not very far at that. He is now pretty much incontinent as well. He is a trooper and still gets around my apt. scuttling himself with one leg. He still plays, eats and drinks and loves getting out. what I need (Trev needs) is:

1. Does anyone have a dog stroller (they want to sell) or know of a good type/brand of dog stroller for a 65 lbs dog? It would have to go on sidewalk and grass.

2. Anyone know of a good brand of boots for paralysed pets? I just spent 30 dollars on a pair and because he drags them they have ripped to shreds. If anyone has booties they are not using I would be happy to buy them off you.

3. Pants and pads...looking for incontinence supplies.

4. Interactive games to keep him busy as if I am not beside him or in the same rood with him he cries then barks...not cool with my apt. neighbors.

5. A large size front vest harness and a back harness that loops around the legs. Because of his incontinence they are getting washed a lot and are falling apart.

Any suggestions at all with how to manage a dog with paralysis and incontinence would be appreciated. If you have any of the above supplies I would be happy to buy them off you. I also may need someone to look after Trev on rare occasions, if there are any takers?? He is very loveable and cute....

Thanks everyone!!!

Heidi and Trev


I love the picture of Chewy :) I had a goat of the same breed as him and same personality

Ian and Mary

We have relayed the security camera issue to Mary's brother (a lawyer) for some free advice on options with respect to obtaining the $3300 back.