my hair resembles a drunk and dirty george washington, my finger looks like a stuffy (and getting grubby) white penis, my eyes are puffy and sore and this morning i wake up with a freaking cold sore????
honestly...i am not all that into vanity but really, even my 'doesn't really give a shit' self image is feeling a bit low.
i need a week in a darkened hotel room where no one can see me.
whatever, won't get it.. i will have to settle for my freaking beat up dog house at pooh corner.
sometimes i wonder what god was thinking when he came up with shit like osteoporosis, menopause and crazy cat ladies. it is all right up there with not fun shit like cold sores and leprosy.
oh yay and here comes another hot flash too.
i am so not in a positive mind frame this mornng.
aww, no!!
i think your body is saying, "AUUUUUGHHHH!!!!"
take some B. it'll settle the cold sore quickly. either that, or eat something that has high levels of B. my GI always got after me when i got sores in my mouth for having low B levels. it REALLY works.
don't make me come down there and dribble rescue remedy into you. i'll do it!