esther and i had mint chocolate chip ice cream for dinner....mmmm...and don't anyone bug me about my eating habits...esther wanted it and she needed me to get it so i could share it with her.
just a heads up to folks...i am picking up a second casual nursing job on my days off...A. we need the money and i can make good money by working extra casual hours..and B...i need to get my foot in the door so i can pick up casual hours in a couple of different places when i retire (cuz will then really need the extra money even more!)
i have no idea how many hours i may or may not get will probably at some point impact how much i am around...the more i work, the better it is for all of us right now.
so i may be looking for some extra volunteer help on the weekends, esp. around barn bed time so if anyone is available and interested in learning the pm weekend ropes, please let me know.
it took like a long sweaty hour to change my bed today. those bed buddies were hot and lazy and slow to move and cooperate. i got the feed run done but did not get out to see dixie..will try again tomorrow.
the plumbers were here and fixed the broken pipe under the ground by the barn...they also put in a new toilet in the shop bathroom but it will not fix the problem which is the piping was originally put in wrong. and there went another almost $900, holy shit plumbers make way more money than me! i need to work three days to pay them for 3 hrs work. sucks to be a non plumbing nurse.
ah does and will go on and things will hopefully get easier with a bit of a second paycheque. just doing my part and keeping hope from is good that i actually quite like nursing, working a bit more in a different place is not such a terrible thing.
I am free most sat and sun evenings.