life pretty much totally sucks.
you can bang your head against the we do not care wall until you kill yourself and it will not matter at all.
no one will notice.
i had a really crappy work day..inbetween trying to care about my patients, the system that is supposed to care about me just gave me the finger. due to a direct deposit banking error, my 110 hours of paycheques are sitting in a drawer in new westminster and i can have them as soon as i hike my butt thru the 2 hour trip there and back to get them...oh and sorry, we only work monday to friday and we close at 3:30. thx so much.... i will just tell my afternoon palliative patients that i can't see them cuz i want to get paid.
i will say that my bank is way more helpful..they gave me an emergency overdraft to cover the mortgage and car payment until i can get the cheque on monday. yay for BMO, my bank that does care.
this has been one of those weeks when my faith in humanity falters. a family tries to euthanize their 12 yr old cat for no other reason than he is a newly diagnosed hyperthyroid...(he arrives here on saturday.)
and don't even get me going again on the pretty damn pathetic shit going on around me lately.
i don't get it.
even the folks giving me the proverbial finger today want to get paid, no one would want to DIE because they need a simple and cheap pill every day and ain't no human i know who will drink murky water out of a dirty, gross what the hell is wrong with us???
no one else matters? no one else (esp. animals) are entitled to the things we insist that we must have?
i know i am getting bitchy and my patience is thin but man! sometimes living in this don't give a shit world freaking drives me insane.
oh and i just read the comments on the post below (THX YOU GUYS!) and i KNOW i am being a big whiney baby and we are actually surrounded by people who do CARE..but i am in one of those moods where i am going to wallow in the petty side of bullshit for a bit cuz i am mad.
i think i should just go to bed.
oh and..nicole just called..that new cat's name is babette and she is currently a total hag..growling, hissing, and swatting and pissed off at the world. nicole asked if i still wanted to take her? of course i do..bitchy cats do well here, they are too pissed to curl up and quietly fade away. like me...she will be most likely be fine when she gets over her rage.
I just don't get people , if i had a sick cat and found out she/he could be saved with a little pill every day i would be thrilled . She has done nothing wrong and has no doubt been the perfect cat her whole life and she gets a death threat when she gets sick. just pisses me off,,