"no kill" is bullshit to help everyone feel good.
Carol · Aug 24, 2012
it looks like i now will get the weekend off..apparently i was double booked and i jumped at taking both days off.
still struggling to figure out the staffing levels here to best meet our animals needs.
feeling pretty damn crappy about losing onesey this morning.
there are a couple of animals hoping to get in here but i think i will need to say no...we simply cannot save every single senior or special needs animal who is unlucky enough to not have a decent and committed home.
i was talking to the vet yesterday about the whole public popular no-kill philosophy. it does not exist ANYWHERE..it is a figment of our imaginations because as a species we are incredibly emotionally weak and cannot face the ugly reality.
there are not enough appropriate homes for all of the homeless animals. there are not enough spaces in rescues or shelters to house forever the "no one wants" ones.
i am going to say no today to a needy and unadoptable senior shelter dog up for euth. and when he dies by my refusal because we were his last resort, i did knowingly become part of the kill.
i get so pissed off by the "we are no-kill" marketing to appease the public's delicate sensibilities...every shelter kills animals they cannot safely or humanely manage or that will never find a good home....every "no-kill" rescue says no to somebody who is about to be killed.
it is not the fault of the shelters or rescues that directly or indirectly we all participate in the actual kills...our fault lies in that we hide it, sometimes we deny it or lie about it, even to ourselves.
animals who don't have to die are dying every day. they are dying because there are too many of them and we don't have enough financial or human resources or physical appropriate space.
"no kill" is a fantasy ploy to tell you and us all that we are all doing ok. well the truth of the matter is...none of us (especially the dead animals) are doing all that great.
Carol, the new barn looks fantastic! Can I come live there?