bad night for my allergies...awake since 330...giant big sigh.
my downer mood continues. i am ok with this tho. i think it is perfectly normal to feel like this once in a while considering my choice of living this rescue life.
still...even in a negative frame of mind, there are things here that give me great joy. like watching twosey lined up next to mom and dad with her little baby bowl of breakfast or dinner filled with tiny peices of fruit that you can see her savor the sweet taste of....mmmm, this tastes so good!
or.... experiencing the trust of little nugget as she perches on my shoulder for a bit. she has grown into a very fine little bird...lucky girl not to have ended her life as an innocent babe left alone in the woods.
and there are broken lives here that give me great was a good thing i was wake early this morning cuz abbey is seizuring and needed me. she is not recovering very quickly so i am glad i can sit here and type and keep an eye on her. and this reminds me why i can't have a home of my own, cuz abbey would have been alone if i wasn't here.
there are so many good and not so great things in that you gain and things you have to give up too.
maybe one day they won't need me...hope always floats for that day too.
I didn't intend to indicate that there was a shelter in BC that leaves animals alone for the entire weekend. I have a friend that works for a small shelter in another province and the animals are alone in the evenings and through the night.