Rescue Journal

it was a shitty day

Carol  ·  Oct 22, 2012

it started at 715 with me struggling to lift 90 pound wilma on a stretcher and carry her from the mp building and out to my car...that just about killed me. and then it continued to a really difficult day in trying to avoid a major crises for a patient and family of epic proportions (which hopefully i did!) getting home really late and getting even further behind as laura and KO and i tried to get wilma settled well for the night. we had to stop to shower riley, who just freaking reeked of urine...she was beyond gross and we just could not leave her like that for the night.

i finally was able to let laura and KO head home just before 8pm...sorry you guys but thx you both so much for thje help!!!!

as soon as i walked into the dark big dog room...i slid in a huge pile of shit. i did get that room and all of the others cleaned up quickly, got all of the very frantic dogs out for a pee and finished off the pm meds, feedings and insulins.

too wiped to eat so as i write this i am drinking a big cup of milk and then i am tossing in a load of soaked pee pads and heading to bed.

so you are probably wondering what is up with wilma...she has an infected leg...looks like it is a pressure area that has abcessed. most of the time she lays on the couch...but as a fairly immobile only takes a couple of hours of laying on the hard floor to develop a pressure area. wilma does get up on her own and wander around and i cannot velcro her to the couch. anyway for now she is locked into a fully and thickly padded medical room pen so there is no way she can lay on the hard floor.

this whole thing brings up the wisdom of using the mp room as the frail and crippled dog room,,,under that lino is rock hard cement. i really have to think on this...human patients get pressure areas laying in am i going to prevent pressure areas with a bunch of toddering and doddering very old and compromised dogs who quite often lay on the floor and not on one of the many
padded beds??

i really need those dogs over in the house so i can reposition and move them during the night if they end up off of their beds...but how???

oh well i damn well better figure it out.



We have a lot of interlocking thick padded gym mats at my school. They are quite thick and stick together with velcro. They are covered with a wipeable plastic covering. They used to be used for gymnastics and wrestling. Would they help? I can "borrow" some for SAINTS.....let me know Carol


not open yet


okay i found some of this stuff on line used for weight rooms maybe someone can do some calling around and see if it is available here and for how much


those would be a nightmare to keep clean with that many leaky kids and all the connecting seems.. you almost need like a wall to wall rubber mat but not heavy like the horse ones. I wonder what is out there that would be strong enough yet light enough for easy housekeeping.. and cheap


i had some in the shop but we couldn't find them last night. i will look again tonight after work.


Carol, if you feel the fatigue mats would work I can pick some up. Let me know.


We have a large (not that old but arthritic) dog who doesn't like beds. He used to sleep on the couch but now it hurts too much getting up and down. He insists on lying on the bare floor so we got a bunch of those interlocking fatigue mats from Walmart. He has mixed feelings about them but they do give a bit of cush when he flops on the floor and also traction for getting back up. Added benefit: they can be hosed off.


glad to hear Wilma is home - I have been wondering how things were going all day but didn't want to bug you with a phone call.

I'll put my thinking cap on and see if I have any ideas to offer.

let me know if you need any extra help