so rather than post another warning..i will let this email remind folks to PLEASE be careful, stop and think before ending up in a dangerous situation with ANY of our animals.
Carol · Oct. 29, 2012
Hi Carol - not sure if KO or Mo told you, but Brad Pitt bit me yesterday. I'm not blaming him at all, he's a lovely pig and was doing what pigs do - got excited at the prospect of food. I had just dumped a bag of bedding in the barnyard container and was coming back down the ramp carrying the empty bag. I was running late yesterday so I guess the barnyard crew didn't think anyone else would be coming out and had let Brad out of his pen. It was my fault, I wasn't thinking and should have stayed inside the container bin gate and called for someone to move Brad. It took only a moment of stupidity on my part. Brad head-butted me and I lost balance and fell to the ground. He got on top of me and bit the inside of my thigh. KO heard me shouting and rounded Brad back into his pen. I don't think there's any real harm done, but I have several nasty bruises on my leg, including a huge, very sore black and purple bruise the exact size and shape of Brad's snout (which would be funny if I hadn't been so freaked out at the time). No skin wasn't broken, thankfully - no blood.
I know you blogged a warning before about being very careful and respectful around the barnyard animals, so I knew better. But it truly only takes a second of not thinking, or inattention, for something like this to happen. There are several new volunteers around, and as this is the second time Brad has got excited and done this, maybe another warning from you would be a good idea. I've learnt my lesson now, for sure! and for the world I wouldn't want to get Brad in any trouble.
Thanks, Carol.
so sorry you were frightened and injured.
and here is MY reminder for everyone..
please do not go into brads areas..pen or riding ring if he is out... unless you have one of the senior barn volunteers or one of the staff with you.
brad is an 700 pound oaf....700 pound oafs with razor sharp tusks are DANGEROUS even if they don't mean to be.
She want's to come out to your new place this winter with her usual supply donations