to impress upon the douglas college students yesterday...
that i was not crazy.
that actually living here with this level of senior and special needs animals is not only practical but necessary. we have 5 seizure dogs, 2 of which are prone to multiple cluster seizures, 5 diabetics who could potentially go hypoglycemic and into a coma if someone isn't keeping a 24 hour a day eye on them. we have animals with the potential to stroke any moment and we have the ticking time bomb cancer animals who could suddenly have a terminal bleed. there are ancient horses who can suddenly colic, much loved cows who after hours... herniate their bowels, plus we have the dogs who cannot get up on their own, the idiot blind beasts who get stuck in corners and the true assholes who could blow a gasket for some stupid reason and cause all kinds of havoc if someone wasn't here to intervene. and lets never forget exactly how much poop and pee could accumulate between 5pm and 9 am the next morning if someone wasn't here actually cleaning it up periodically...the incontinence factor alone is MIND BOGGLING!
so obviously ...i am not crazy.... i am freaking NECESSARY....duh. and i really mean...DUH!
and if one of you so much as dares to point out the utter lunacy of actually exclusively rescuing these kinds of universally messed up animals...i will blacken your eye.
let me have my not so crazy illusions or i just might break down and cry.
Hi Brenda....I am so glad it even helped a bit....please keep it and use it on anyone who has the hot spots or skin problems. If it helps more then just let me know when it runs out and i will get more for you.