Rescue Journal

just a couple of heads up for tomorrow

Carol  ·  Nov. 10, 2012

mo can't make it out to saints...she has a few sudden house disasters of her hot water, multiple areas of a leaking roof...she is probably almost ready to tear the house down and live in a tent! anyway the barn areas will be short tomorrow..i will help out with the meds and anything else but only for a short while.

but my real concern tomorrow is...we have a huge tour coming thru at 11 am...28 people that i actually know of and that doesn't count any drop ins. don't anyone panic..i will be doing the tour. however...since i will be bringing such a big group thru and all of our inside areas are quite small and cramped..we need to ensure a couple of things to make sure the tour goes smoothly.

odie absolutely needs to be out at the barn..or if he is being a dickhead out there...taken for a nice long leash walk..maybe out to the memorial garden if someone is able to do that?

puff also needs to be out at the barn and if he is being a dick head out there..maybe tossed in the office (without ed!) for a bit??

and there can't be any feeding of canned food going on anywhere when i am bringing the tour group just makes everything so chaotic.

and if smeone can just do a quick run thru of the dog rooms to make sure they are still clean and tidy before the group hits the house..that would be greatly appreciated too.

finally.... i will need to split the group when we come into the house so if someone is willing to keep one group occupied in one of the areas while i tour the first group thru and then entertain the first group while i take the second group thru, that would also help a lot!

so if any of the willing someones can touch base with me tomorrow...maybe we can figure this out so this giant tour goes relatively well!



Great that Lynne is going to be around to amuse Odie - I can entertain one of the tour groups while you take the other thru as well. Whatever is needed - and we'll make sure feeding is done before 11AM Carol - that way everyone is happy and calmer. See you tomorrow.


that's fine is mostly the hysterically think they are starving, flipping out dogs i am worried about..they should also be fed early...well before the tour folks come.


If we feed well before the tour, is that OK? I'll make sure Zsu Zsu is cleaned up again before I leave. Pokey's dish won't be in anyone's way and I can put Mama T's on the shelf by the bunny room window.


i am also bringing nick in to do the plumbing so can help out where needed. i can take care of odie and make sure the dog room are clean just let me know what is needed and i will do it.