well erin had a pretty shitty day at saints...
Carol · Nov 15, 2012
and janice's probably was not all that great either.
and where was i? happily off to work (whew!)
we were short staffed....like really short staffed. janice was on her own in the barns and erin was on her own with both the house and the mp building. luckily jamie showed up and was able to do half of the building (thx jamie!) but erin was still way overloaded and i am so sorry for that.
to top it off, bo jumped jelly today so erin got stuck with breaking up a dog fight (no one was hurt!) and i know from recent experience how not fun that adrenalin rush is.
don't hate your job erin...do not hate your job...PLEASE don't hate your job here.
tomorrow will be better (i hope!)...oh and here is a happy thought....BIG YAY! tomorrow is payday!
(note to myself...remember to sign the pay cheques!)
Monday is the day Erin and Janice help is coming