Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Dec 12, 2012

i heard a dog was an unfamilar bark.
halo wasn't in my bedroom so i went thru the dark sun room and opened the sliding door and called..halo???

al popped out of the dog house.
what are you doing out there? he seemed upset so maybe it was him i thought was barking..anyway he came in.

i shut the door and turned on the light..halo was laying on one of the dog beds..oh good, you are in. i closed the doggy door so no one could go back out again.

i stepped in my bedroom and started scanning the dogs..joey? where are you?? no answer..shit.

i went back to the sliding door and opened it and joey rushed in.

ok..back to the bedroom to finish scanning the dogs. where is smokey?

back to the sliding door and opened it yet again..smokey?..smokey? there was another distressed bark..oh shit.
i go out into the dark, trying to see a black dog and i can't see him anywhere. suddenly out of the corner of my eye i see the faint flash of his grey muzzle right at ground level. what the heck???

i pick my way thru the mud in my brand new slippers and i find that poor old dog chest deep and sitting in a mystic hole. are you kidding me???

i lifted him out and he fell down...he was upset...cold and tired from trying to get out. i carried him into the house and set him down. he fell over again. i picked him up and laid him on the karunda next to my bed.

he is flat out and sound asleep, he looks like he is dead. i pick up his leg and then let go and it flops back to the bed. i put my hand on his chest and i can feel the gentle in and out of his breath.

smokey is too freaking old to fall into a mystic hole.

hey brent..can you please fill in all of her backyard holes this weekend????
smokey says thanks!


Bunny Horne

Yes, we will get all the Mystic holes filled on Sunday. I hope Smokey is going to be okay.