oliver is home from the vets. he is responding to caninsulin ..my very least favorite choice. he is responding a bit too well...he has been bottoming out. anyway....we will watch him carefully until he stablizes.
after several days of no furnace and not a drop of hot water..we have both again. the breaker had popped. so i can once again have a hot bath..no more washing my hair in the sink with freezing cold water. that so totally sucked!
new pound leaking senior wanting in. they are going to bomb test her and let me know how she does. her leaking issues sound very reminiscent of halo's current problems. what are the chances of getting two bladder cancer dogs within a couple of weeks?
big hugs to KO who lost lippy today...you gave him such a very great life KO...where ever he is now..he is doing ok.
also big hugs to mo whose dad is very ill...all of our positive thoughts and prayers are hoping that he will soon be well.
take care both of you.
Thanks for the well wishes for my dad he is doing well and hopefully coming home soon.
KO your little man was so greatly loved..hugs to you and Vern