lottie has a large tumor on her spleen...that combined with the 20 pound weight loss is really bad news.
shep has a rectal hernia (better than cancer...) and pemphigus on his nose (i liked the previous vet's diagnosis of frostbite better but sadly it is not.)
both of them are home and we are awaiting their bloodwork results..pretty sure shep is in renal failure..not sure what lottie's bloodwork will say.
the little pitty puppy will be transferred to our vet clinic tomorrow...thank you sheila for getting him for us!
frank is a girl so now her name is francine but we can still call her frankie so that is good. she and chance and amber all go into the vets first thing tomorrow morning.
chloe has bounced right back to her normal self so i am really happy about that.
i am changing the little puppy's name cuz i don't like "butter" so feel free to offer suggestions, he needs a new name by tomorrow.
pokey is started on his meds so hopefully he soon will feel better.
daphne is on antibiotics for another 5 weeks and then we move to pulse therapy (5 days on 3 weeks off) long term.
bess is holding her own and is now very attached to my bed.
halo has a ton of blood in her urine again (bladder cancer)..but she is still happy and otherwise doing ok.
jesse is not checking out fast enough so today renee and erin gave him a really good bath! he wasn't too happy about that.
please send positive thoughts to janice and her sweet horse dior...last i heard the vet was on his way so hopefully she will be ok.
that is it for the news today.
I guess I missed the news on Daphne ... can somebody point to a date when her situation was discussed. Hope she is OK.