Rescue Journal

mya was adopted today...

Carol  ·  Jan. 12, 2013

it is as usual a 2 week trial just in case. super nice people who are going to adore her to bits...lucky girl to have found such a kind and dog loving family!

big sigh...fletcher is a pain in the ass. i can't even leave the room for 5 minutes to go to the bathroom without being quite unfairly affectionately assaulted upon my return...he humps any part he can grab hold of me...he bites and chews on me, he grabs and tries to rip off my sleeve.
i freaking hate hyperactive, seperation anxiety ridden, little, sick puppy freaks...and as jenn quite wisely pointed out..beating him into polite civilized submission is not a viable option.
so i sit there calmly and wait til he gets it all out and finally settles down. but i have made a decision..i am letting the big brutes be near him now. 99% of all dogs will not hurt a baby and i figure he can wear off some energy chasing june and mystic around...they are both already running from him and he has only had access to them for the last 10 minutes. i don't think chasing them around the house will actually hurt him and if he bumps into either of them?..well they are both soft or puffy.
why does he have to be a goof-ball pit-dough head puppy..why can't he be something dignified and aloof and CALM... like a chow or a shar pei or a shiba puppy?
i don't know how long he wll last around here...but it will be he who hurts himself because he is a moronic idiot.


janet nicholson

It looks like Halo has found her calling in life - puppy sitting and food guarding! So sweet that you are giving Fletcher quality of life - It looks like he is having a great time intimidating those big dogs!
And hooray for Mya!


Off topic ..bunny and brent can you give me a lift to saints
this me on my cell 604 466 703zero..


halo better not die anytime soon...she gets up and stops that puppy madness by just wagging her tail and standing over top of him. as soon as he settles and sits she goes back to lying beside and guarding the food bowl.
hah..take that you little brat..i have a "i know how to handle a young pup" mom on my side.
yay halo!


woohoo for mya. i am keeping everything crossed. please let them love her and her love them. i guess except for mystic we are not used to puppies. give me an old settled dog anytime i am at that speed puppies in very short time periods but the old ones have my heart.


Ha, ha, has Fletcher... full of beans puppy. I know he has a condition but I refuse to see him as palliative.


Sometimes it's the quality not the quantity that makes all the difference in one's life. I admire all the work & dedication that Carol & the team at Saints has for all the animals in their care! Remember to vote in the Shelter Challenge :)