i was laying on the bed, as fletch slept with his chin on my shoulder
Carol · Jan 15, 2013
and i was thinking...do you know know how many forlorn pupppies there are in the world?
they are taken from the warmth and security of physically sleeping close with mom and sibs..and what?
the unlucky find themselves shut alone in a cold garage or a backyard pen..and the lucky find themselves sleeping alone and being responsibly "crate trained."
what a way to treat any kind of any type of baby.
lock them in and isolate them..not the way they were born to live.
why are we so controlling? why do we have to manage every second of every day including when and where and how they are sleeping? why can't they decide where they would like to sleep..we think that is going to truly harm them?
there is so much sacred cow, bullshit myth in the K9 world about how to raise a good dog. you actually can teach them manners without locking them up..they can actually grow up to be happy and emotionally complete little souls if you let them grow with some choice and some thinking space...they can actually grow into a real dog instead of a well trained four footed, human make work project.
i am glad that fletcher is here..that he can fall asleep content and close to the person he knows really loves him.
he is learning stuff without forcing anything on him..he no longer bites me..the humping is getting better and he sits nicely for his breakfast and dinner. he has already learned the rules of the bed and how to politely share space and affection. and he has learned that from actually living it..not being shoved off somewhere alone to hope it seeps in by magic or osmosis.
i know diddly squat about training dogs..but i know ahelluvlot about how to let them be happy.
god must just shake his head at us...we have to pull the strings of every living thing or we are not happy.
I'm so happy to hear that Tux has settled in!