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Carol · Jan 19, 2013
so the guys just left..brutal 12 hour plumbing day for them. however...we have hot water again...we have good water pressure again. now we can quit washing the linens on hot...yay!
BUT..we currently have no kitchen sink was so sludged up it was fried. cam will pick up a new one tomorrow and come out to install. anyway, don't try to use it...we will have to get water out of the tub for now.
they had to run new water pipes in quite a few spots but hopefully our problems are almost fully solved (they still need to install a new filteration system to prevent this happening again.
the dogs were all really good...phebes was terrified when any sodering was going on tho.
frankie is staying in at the vets tonight but she was eating and drinking so that is good.
new dog in..another neglect case. buddy is an emaciated 10 yr old lab who looks like he is 20. super, super sweet, sweet dog. glad we managed to squeeze him in. everyone please be very careful what you feed him..he needs to have about 6-8 VERY small meals (like only a couple of tablesoons) a day until he is used to eating again. i have started him already on pain meds..his back end is messed up. and we will get him bathed and cleaned up once he is feeling a bit better and less overwhelmed. he is in the mp room for now but i will be bringing him over to the house eventually because he would like free access to outside..he has never been in a house before. he can be with the other dogs in there, he has met them all and is fine..i shut him into the little back door pen for the night because i wanted him to not have to worry about sharing a bed on his first night...too boney and thin to be lying on the hard floor if he is bed sharing shy.
ok..i need to get the floors re-washed..that crawl space dirt is everywhere and then i need to get to bed.
see you at lunch tomorrow.
that sucks about the kitchen tap it was almost brand new. what happened? and it sucks even more about the new dog.what a way for an animal to live. hope soon he will be feeling much better.