Rescue Journal

long time animal rescuer and advocate Deanna deWilde has passed away.

Carol  ·  Jan 25, 2013

a long time friend of mine in rescue died unexpectedly yesterday. she is responsible for spaying and neutering and rehoming thousands of animals in the mission area. she helped me when i was a newby and i learned a lot from her tough, just get it done ways..i also learned about life long commitment, dedication and sacrifice while still keeping a sense of humor and remaining somewhat sane.

deanna had asked me a few years ago to be her executor and power of attorney and i said yes but the documents she left for me, don't look legal to me. her estate is not an issue, she doesn't really have one...her whole life was rescuing animals and she lived a simple life without much of anything. i went yesterday and brought home her little dog and one of her cats. i will have to go back and trap the other cat who did not want to be caught. i am trying to follow thru with her wishes, i have to go see a lawyer today to ensure that what documentation she left me, gives me the authority for this.

i am overwhelmed right now by my sadness over her sudden death and in trying to figure out the how whats and where fors with the legalities and my own responsibilities in all of this.

bottom line tho is... my friend, a long time senior rescuer has passed away from this world. she had asked me to take care of things for her in the event of her death.

rest in peace old friend, i will try to do my best.


Barbara Yeates

I worked with Deanna 28 years ago when we were in the SOCA and when we were unhappy with that we, and Doreen Mcleod and Kathe Jeffriesleft and formed SANS and I worked with her then until setting up my own catrescue.We taled maybe every two years..calls regarding spaying or animal behavioir problems I knew she could help me with..always with humor and in spite of all the pain she had always willing to help. We have all lost someone special.

wendy scott

My condolences Carol, for the loss of your friend Deanna, another animal advocate. Hugs to you during this hard time.


So sorry to fear of Deanna's passing, seems like I just saw her. She worked for so long for the animals, she was a godsend to Kathi in the years she worked with SANS. I will remember her fondly.


Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss, Deanna brought many things to your life, which you now pass on to others. "When someone you cared about becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure"

Bunny Horne

I am so very sorry for your loss, Deanna and her guys were lucky to have you as a friend and sounds like you were lucky to have her as a mentor and friend as well.
Deepest condolences.

janet nicholson

Sorry, Carol - Deanna can rest easy knowing you will take care of her "children".


I only met Deanna a few times and even those meetings were brief, however I did know she loved the animals that came to her & gave absolutley all that she could ...I hope she is with them all now & they are all rejoicing in the reunion .

So sorry Carol for the loss of your friend


So sorry for your sad loss, Carol. Sounds as if her legacy will live on in you, as she was one of your mentors.


So sorry for your loss of such a good friend Carol. Rest in peace Deanna.


ann are you gone yet??? pedigree wants their survey back by 2!..i forwarded it on to you a few weeks ago BUT in looking back, i had your email address wrong (you are not telus!!)
oh..never mind..pedigree just got back to me and you already took care of this THANK YOU! one less thing to worry about today.


It is hard to figure out what happened when a death is unexpected, so sorry Carol and condolences to Deanne 's family and friends human and non human alike.

Pam from Nashville, TN

My sincerest sympathies Carol for the loss of your furiend and also the loss of such a great advocate for animals. The world is short another "saint" today.


I am so so sorry for your loss Carol. May all your memories of your times together help ease your pain. Thinking of you.