damned if you do...damned if you don't...
Carol · Feb. 26, 2013
it sucks.
but the one thing i have learned in rescue is...
if you are going to do rescue...you better be able to do it without giving a shit if you're damned.
i have been called a hoarder before...all it takes is pissing someone off and out comes the hoarder card.
why do people use words whose meanings they don't know?
hoarding is a pathological condition of collecting large amounts of items and refusing to toss any away.
oh shit... maybe i am a hoarder cuz i ain't ever throwing any of these guys out!
but maybe i am not a hoarder because i will actually gift most of these animals to any and every great home who understands what special needs means. who can handle incontinence, can pay for expensive medical care, is willing to love and care well for someone who might die in a few months and has demonstrated qualities like patience, respect, comittment and good problem solving skills. are you someone like that? if so... i have many special someones for you to come and meet.
i want them to go. and last year, 40 of the messed up little buggers did get to go. but i am not just shovelling them out the door into the wrong kind of homes just because i am damned if i don't.
are you kidding me? i am already damned..i am currently living with bobo, odie, phoebe, jesse and puff plus all of the other sick, dying, leaking, not so dickheaded ones!
my plan is to suck it up and meet my responsibilities to them in this life so that maybe just maybe i can have some peace and quiet and comfort in my eternal afterlife.
if i start tossing them out without any care for what happens to them next, i can pretty much kiss that plan good bye. i will end up reincarnated back here to do it all over again...just the thought of that makes me want to stick a knife in my eye.
find me 100 good hearted, intelligent people who not only have the qualities and resources these animals need but are also willing to share them and i will empty out my home. find another dozen or so who are willing to rescue these types of difficult to place animals, and trust me i am DONE rescuing anybody.
i may not give you something you want but i sure as hell won't give you someone who will break you either. i am just not that mean.
want one of our animals?..then stand up and earn them. they are a priviledge to share a life with..not a right. and ugly words thrown at me won't ever change the fact that these guys are special needs animals who will require special people to continue to provide their special care.
find me more of these special people and i will continue to entrust our animals into their special care.
wow i put phoebe right up there with jesse. sorry renee and tammy not the most well behaved dogs lol i do agree that they both have a certain presence about them. good or bad who knows but jesse does like a good head scratch.